An Integrative Approach
An integrative approach emphasizes treating the whole person, with a focus on wellness and health rather than treating disease and on the patient-physician relationship. While Functional Medicine itself is integrative, Dr. Lawrence Teixeira offers services that complement Functional Medicine with a focus on the musculoskeletal system. Dr. Teixeira is a sports chiropractor, which means that there is an emphasis on the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in addition to the spine. He looks at the system as a whole- bio-mechanically speaking. For example, an old ankle injury with restrictive range of motion may be the the actual cause of hip or low back pain. Addressing the hip or low back may be helpful, but only a holistic approach addressing the ankle will resolve the problem completely. Some techniques that are used to achieve this include Active Release Technique, Graston Technique®, and Acupuncture in addition to Chiropractic.
Whether you know it or not, you are a performer. Whether performing in sports, work, or life in general, Dr. Teixeira believes you should be treated like an elite athlete. Dr. Teixeira has been trained for this very purpose.
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician®
Certified in Acupuncture Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Certified in Active Release Techniques® Certified in Graston Technique® Certified in Kinesio Taping® Titleist Performance Institute Certified National Academy of Sports Medicine: Performance Enhancement Specialist Corrective Exercise Specialist |